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AustLaw Profile

AustLaw is an association of 18 Australian law firms.

From 1985 our membership strength has developed from working relationships between partners, lawyers and support staff.

AustLaw’s main objective is to provide its members with an innovative and supportive forum to share information and utilise its collective resources for the benefit of each firm.

While each AustLaw member operates entirely independently of other members, we share common work practices and are linked by a full-time secretariat based in Canberra and an executive committee.

AustLaw firms provide a comprehensive range of legal services to private, commercial, business, institutional and rural clients. Please visit members’ individual web sites for specific information about their services and profiles on their inhouse accredited specialists.

AustLaw Pty Limited
ABN 21 003 181 075

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 61 2 6257 2577
Fax: 61 2 6257 2588

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