AustLaw 2021 | Ethics in Expert Evidence
The use of expert evidence in courts has been problematic for many years and a focus on the ethics of witnesses has given rise to the widespread introduction of rules governing how experts may behave. But, in addition to the ethics of witnesses, the ethics of expert evidence also encompasses the ethics of lawyers; the financial and other costs of using experts; the use, or misuse, of science; the way claims to truth are made; and the impact on the law itself. In short, despite recent clarification of rules for witnesses, there remain significant issues with how the legal system makes use of expert testimony.
Join Stephan Millett as he works through:
• The costs of using and misusing expert evidence, and ways to mitigate the costs
• How doing ‘the day job’ can be unfair and unethical, despite following the rules of conduct
• Limits to justification of claims and how flawed logic damages the reputation of the law itself
• What makes a virtuous lawyer
CPD 1 | Ethics
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About Professor Stephan Millett
Professor Stephan Millett has specialized in applied philosophy and ethics for over 20 years and currently runs a consultancy in applied ethics for organizations.