AustLaw 2020 | Big trouble for small business: anatomy of a recent law firm cyber attack

Dec 03 2020

What happened, who it happened to and how they could have stopped it.


Cyber Attacks on small business are now big business. For every news report of an incident involving a listed company, dozens of attacks on small business go unremarked. Law firms are on the front line of the cyber war – few other small businesses handle that much client money, and the criminals know it.

There are practical steps that every firm, and every person who works for one can take to reduce the risk of an incident. We are all targets, we are all responsible for ensuring client data and client money is protected.

Join David Bowles from the QLS for a look at a “typical” cyber incident in 2020, and what practical steps the businesses and staff could have taken to avoid the loss. and apply this to your own firm setting.

CPD – Practice Management 1 point.

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