Our workshop “All about Clients – Attraction, Selection, Retention and Growth” was a success with more than 60 delegates from member firms.
The panel, Trish Carroll, Galt Advisory; Peter Knight, Knight Partners; Dianne Davis, Davis & Associates; Paul Blanch, Consultant delivered a truck-load of messages along with practical tips on implementation.
The following is a sample of delegate feed-back:-
“Information I need to know; very relevant to my practice needs.”
“Timely, relevant information. Thought – inspiring.”
“All too often marketing is the last task we undertake. It was fantastic to look at a number of different marketing activities in one day.”
The Presentations
The Symposium presentations and Trish Carroll’s, Recommended Reading List are available from the web site: www.austlaw.com.au see Papers/Articles.
Over the next couple of months we will feature articles covering Business Development / Marketing. In this issue “Are your innovations leading to inertia? By Trish Carroll.
2008 AustLaw Meetings
Venue and Program information will be posted at www.austlaw.com.au see Meetings/Events reminder online registration is available.
2007 AustLaw Board Members: l to r Joe Grassi, Lamrocks; Roger Downs, (Chairman) Kells The Lawyers; Peter Simpson, Belbridge Hague; Tony Margiotta, Matthews Dooley & Gibson; Absent: Ben Carroll, S+PLawyers, Lismore